Friday 25 November 2011

lessons on composition

- arrangement of elements within your photograph
- how elements are captured within your scene
- important factor how ur viewers will respond to ur photographs
- important to consider when making photograph
- there are no hard-and fast directions for crafting good compositions
-acknowledge that it exist & find a way to convey the intention of your photograph
- intention will guide your decisions abt composition
- learnto view a scene with diff frame of mind
- use sbj matter to make image clearer
- notice absolutely everything in your scene
- determine what is or is not important
- what will viewers notice first? 2nd? 3rd?
- How do the various elements relate to each other?

Gestalt and Image Composition
- Theory developed in the 1920s by German psychologist
- Describe human brain as holistic
5main principles
- Similarity

Additional Issues of perception
- Light vs Dark --- High key photographs are visual info that is mostly lighter than middle grey, mid tone used lesser. Low key are info that is mostly darker than middle grey.
- Shapes ----eyes tend to complete geometric shapes although others may not see it.
- Foreground vs Background --- appears larger in a photograph than do background elements
- Format of Photograph --- horizontal more peaceful.
- Horizon Line . horizon line m'b real or imaginary, tends to divide the sense in section
- Colors in photograph --- cool toned obj( yellow orannge...

Edges of photograph
- leading lines within the photograph can lead the viewer into it, instead of out of it.

Movement within photo
- give a running person enough space within the photograph to run

Perspective and depth
- give a sense of 3dimensional depth to a 2dimen
- depth lies within the viewers perception
- select depth that match field
Rule of thirds
- elements look more interesting in rectangle
- place important elements at any of the 4intersections (lines put like tic tac toe)

Remove Clutter
- you are responsible for the content o
include only visual material that support ur image

White spaces
empty, or extremely out of focus
used very light colors or very dark

Other compositional elements
- patterns
touch of color

Tuesday 15 November 2011

My 3 final design projects

1st design
- move design to the selected scale size page. (16inch x 20inch & 300pixels)
- ctrl T to adjust the scale according to the size of the page.
- use brush draw the outline
- used the shape tool which is the rounded rectangular tool for the windows and doors of the airplane.
- then continue on the outlines with brush tool.
- after using the brush tool and paint bucket to color the whole picture to make it even and fill up the empty spaces.

- after coloring I used the blur effect from filter; blur; smart blur.
- I filter again by using the texture.
before after
2nd design
- by using the gradient tool I used it for the grass to mix the color evenly.
- Filter the grass with craquelure.
- also used the gradient tool for the lake/water.
- used a dark blue for the outline of the lake.
- filter it with texturizer.
after that using the brush tool to color everything. Putting some shadings on the stones with dark colored gray and outlining .
before after
3rd design
- use tool brush to outline all the lines.
- so that I could use the magic wand tool to color it easily.
- using the bucket tool to color the buildings.
- filtering the buildings with texturizer.
- colored the sky with gradient tool with the mixed of different kinds of blue colors.
- colored the glass with very light cyan color.
- use filter for the sky and the glasses. To make the glass look a little real.
- magic wand to select areas of the tents and cup use paint bucket to color it.
- filter the tent with plastic wrap which makes the tent look like the sun is shining on it.
- use gradient again for the side path and the road where the hand phones are.
- filter the ground with texturizer.
before after