Monday 10 October 2011

Brief intro on Art Movement

Art movement--- comes from different periods of time that can change revolution/ becomes popular.

Movement of cultural ideas
  • Birth of graphic designs: Traced to 30k years ago - cave painting
-Gutenberg's printing press. 550
  • Art Nouveau (International Style 1890-1910)
- Jules Cheret, father of modern poster
- Henri de Toulouse - Lautree known for posters
  • Mackintosh- designers, architect, water colorist / organic forms celebrated nature
  • German designers - produce art work over 30years and also advertising posters
  • William Morris
- founded Kelmscott Press 1890
- He was against mass production and so, he favored good craftsmanship & clean design
  • Cubism
- a type of art movement, emphasized flat surfaces
- influenced many movements
  • examples of cibism
  • Fauvism led by Henri Matise, favored wildly expressive colors.
  • Expressionism
  • Nature no longer form of reality
  • Plakatstill
- terms for flat colors and shapes
- Lucian Bernhad known for his signature stylized posters.example of Plakatstill
  • Dadaism
- 1916
- questioned meaning itself
- created photo montage created intentional disorder (create chaos)
example of dadaism

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